1mo - 14mo
Infants require a great deal of personal attention in order to thrive and learn; caregivers will provide comforting routines for feeding, changing and sleeping. Children’s’ cognitive, physical and emotional needs will be met with songs, physical play, literacy activities and socialization with highly engaged caregivers. Children learn through play and their environment. While being supportive of infants in their quest for competence, our caregivers look to the parents as the best resource in working with their children.
15mo - 2.9yrs
Your child’s curiosity kicks in to full gear at the toddler stage, our educators are prepared to expose them to a wide variety of learning experiences through play. Self help skill will be an important part to our toddler program; our educators will encourage your child to engage in one step directions fostering their independence. Promoting language development through modeling, storytelling, engaging activities using books, pictures and other forms of dramatic play is the goal of our teachers. The classroom includes materials for children to engage in imaginative play; appropriate art experiences for creative exploration, various manipulative to develop cognitive and physical skills, as well as building blocks, music, and books. The environment allows for the children to choose activities and respects their need for ample time to use and reuse activities, because repeated experiences foster competence
2.9yrs - 5/6yrs
Preschoolers tend to develop a learning style of their own. Our preschool classrooms will offer the opportunity for children to use materials in a variety of different manners to enhance specific learning styles. Children at this age still learn through play and are most responsive to activities in which they are involved in a “hands-on” manner. Our teachers accept that and design their classroom spaces with “interest areas” at which children can freely choose whether to participate or not and for how long. Young children seem to learn best when trained teachers build on the interests and abilities of the children. This endorses non-pressured, child-centered activities guided by an adult with a solid child development base and strong problem-solving skills. In such a program, parents/guardians truly become partners with the professional staff. Information or discoveries about the child’s development are mutually shared, resulting in a program tailored to the individual child. Children are given to freedom to explore with the staff supervising by sight at all times.
The preschool curriculum includes interest areas centering on language and reasoning skills through dramatic play, science, math, literacy, music, art, and large and small motor development. Our curriculum also reflects all of our students and family values, beliefs, experiences, and language. An enrichment program that includes field trips and visitors is offered.
School Year: Before and After school care is provided throughout the school year. The school year program focus is homework assistance, small group activities and cooperative games. Children are exposed to a number of enrichment activities throughout the school year. Our centers are equipped with space and time for homework, arts and crafts, free play in interest centers as well as plenty of outdoor play, which is so important after being in school all day.
Our School Age staff possess a wide range of interest that they bring to the program and shared with the school age participants. Children are encouraged to work and play independently and also in small groups. Transportation is provided to and from home and school.
Summer Program: Crayon Campus provides full day care during school vacations and summer vacation. Children during the summer are taken on daily field trips. There, children participate in fun activities such as nature walks, water fun, and field games. We also provide lunch during the day.
School Age
6yrs - 13yrs