COVID-19 Updates

Please continue to check this page for periodic updates concerning the revolving issue of Coronavirus.

COVID-19 CDC Information provided by the CDC: Child Care Information and COVID-19 Symptoms

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March 25th, 2020

Dear Parents:

As per Governor Baker’s mandate, ALL Crayon Campus locations will be closed until 5/4/20. We miss all of our kids and are looking forward to seeing you all when we reopen. Please continue to check our Crayon Campus website and our Remind System for important updates regarding the centers. Thank you and stay well.


Nancy Cruz, R.N.,B.S.N

(Program Director / Licensee)

March 20th, 2020

Dear Parents:

As per Governor Baker’s orders, ALL Crayon Campus locations will be closed until 4/6/20. Please continue to check our Crayon Campus website and our Remind System for important updates regarding the centers. Thank you and stay well.


Nancy Cruz, R.N.,B.S.N

(Program Director / Licensee)

March 18th, 2020

Dear Parents:

UPDATE 3/18/2020 3:00PM: As of 3:00 PM 3/18/20, Governor Baker ordered all Child Care Centers to close. This will be in effect from 3/23/20 through 4/6/20. All Crayon Campus centers will be closed during this period of time.

At this time all Crayon Campus locations are continuing to be open. However, we are cancelling all transportation services in an effort to safeguard our children. There will be NO PM Transportation today, March 18th. Please continue to check our website and Remind system for more information. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Nancy Cruz, R.N.,B.S.N

(Program Director / Licensee)

March 15th, 2020

Dear Parents:

We are striving to follow the guidelines laid out by the government, EEC (our state licensing agency) and the CDC.  We are also striving to communicate consistently – please continue to check our Facebook, sign up for the Remind App, and check our website regularly. As soon as we know, you will know.

We are strongly encouraging families to keep their children at home if at all possible. We have already reached out to parents regarding if they plan on attending. 

We will not turn away parents that need our care as long as we stay open.

All of our sites are continuing to disinfect, clean, sanitize, and take all regular preventive measures that include:

  • Hourly cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection following EEC guidelines.

  • Handwashing for staff and children – When your child arrives in the room, they wash their hands, before and after eating, any play at sensory tables, when they cough/sneeze, any bathroom visits or diaper changes. All of our bathrooms are continuously stocked with supplies for both children and adults.

  • Any mouth toys for toddlers and infants were cleaned and sanitized throughout the day prior to this pandemic, however we are now removing these toys from our classrooms for the foreseeable future.

In addition to our regular preventative measures, we have implemented immediate changes:

  • All toothbrushing has been suspended.

  • We have implemented social distancing during meal times.

  • Drop offs, pick-ups, etc. will be handled at the front areas for all of our centers. We are asking parents/guardians do not enter the classrooms.

  • We are posting signs and symptoms of COVID-19/Coronavirus in our centers (fever, cough, shortness of breath).

  • We are also asking staff to remain at home if they or someone they know is sick.

What you can do at home:

  • Discuss with your children what the virus is and how they can stay healthy.

  • Get children into a handwashing habit.

  • Teach them to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food

  • Remind children to stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing or sick.

  • Remind them to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, then throw the tissue into the trash and then wash their hands.

  • For information on how to discuss the virus with young children, please click this link for English, and this link for Spanish.


Nancy Cruz, R.N.,B.S.N

(Program Director / Licensee)


March 12, 2020
