Food Resources


New Bedford Public Schools

Grab & Go Meal Service

Grab & Go Meals can be picked up from meal site locations Monday-Friday 11:30 am-1:00 pm during the NBPS school closure due to COVID-19. There will be no congregate feeding. All meals must be taken and consumed off-site.

1 breakfast and 1 lunch can be picked up daily for each child (18 years old or younger) from any of the serving locations.

Serving Locations:

  1. Gomes Elementary School

  2. Campbell Elementary

  3. Carney Academy

  4. Keith Middle School

  5. Lincoln Elementary - closed for cleaning 3/30-3/31

  6. Hayden-McFadden Elementary School

  7. Roosevelt Middle School

  8. Normandin Middle School - Orleans Street Entrance open 3/30-3/31

  9. 52 Walker Street near Brickenwood Housing Development

City of New Bedford Food Pantry List

(Courtesy of the New Bedford Guide)

Mercy Meals and More
634 Purchase Street
Mon—Thurs 7-7:30am

Braz/Bean Community Center
360 Coggeshall St.
Mon—Thurs 9-1 p.m. (available 1x every 30 days). ID and/or MA Health card required.

Catholic Social Services
238 Bonney St. (in back of O. L. of Mt. Carmel R. C. Church)
Wed. & Thurs. 10-12 p.m. (available 1x every 30 days).  Min. 18 years-old, proofs of income & residency, pic. ID, MA Health ID required for all children. Bread, non-perishable foods and fresh produce.

Grace Episcopal Church
133 School St.
Wed. & Fri. 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. (available 1x per month / 12 x per yr. Photo ID required and children’s insurance cards.

MO Food = Life Pantry
724 Pleasant Street Wed. 10-Noon (available 3 x every 30 days). For adults, picture ID & proof of income, ID for family members.

Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Food/clothing available at sites across the city: Sat: Salvation
Army parking lot 11:30 AM, Th: NB Main Library 12:00 PM,
Fr: PAACA 5:30 PM, Tu and Th: NB Bus Terminal 5:30 PM

166 William St.
Mon-Fri (new walk-ins or received no service w/in past yr.: 9-11, all others by appointment). Available 1x every 3 months, if PACE client, 1x per month. Referral, Picture ID & verification of dependents required.

The Salvation Army
619 Purchase St.
Mon-Fri 8:30-Noon & 1-3 (available 1x every 3 months). Required: ID for household members & proof of residence for appt. 3-5 days of food / clothing vouchers for fire victims only.

St. Anthony’s Church
Nye St. Entrance (enter through church basement door). Thurs. @ Noon (1x every other week) Picture. ID and MA Health.

Missionaries of Charity
Appt. required. Accepting referrals from service providers only.

St. Martin’s Church
136 Rivet St.
2nd and last Saturday 10-11 and last Tu 5-6, (1 x per month).

Veterans Transition House
20 Willis St.
Veterans only! (1 x per month) Copy of DD214 and proof of residency required Contact: Moe Mann X 24.

St. Paul’s United Methodoist Church
884 Kempton Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Tel. 508-993-0614
Mobile Loaves Fishes is a mission of St. Paul’s Church

Dartmouth Public Schools

ALL children 18 years of age and younger during the school closure can receive from meals at the locations listed below, hosted by the Dartmouth Public Schools. Children do not have to be enrolled in the Dartmouth Public Schools. Two Breakfasts and lunches will be provided to take home. No identification or proof of school enrollment is required, but the child must be present. Families will not need to enter the school building for pick-up. Families will be able to drive through to pick up meals. This service will be available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00AM to 1:00PM

Pickup Location:

Quinn Elementary School
529 Hawthorn St
Dartmouth, MA 02747


Annelle Delorme-Hagerman Food Pantry
2112 County St Street
Somerset, MA 02726
Tel. 508-678-9663